by Thomas Traplin | Sep 11, 2015 | General Business, Podcasts
Today's episode of the Manaverse Podcast is part two of the Steve Ellis interview and yes, that's a time travelling DeLorean in the feature image. Steve is the co-owner of Rainy Day Games in Aloha, Oregon in case you missed the first part, and if you have you should...
by Thomas Traplin | Jun 12, 2015 | General Business, Podcasts
Have you ever wondered what might happen if you opened a friendly local game store with a $20 000 credit card limit? Benn Roe and Adam Friedman come on to the Manaverse Podcast and share how it worked out for them. Spoiler alert: they're doing great despite the tiny...
by Thomas Traplin | May 29, 2015 | General Business, Podcasts, Sales, Tournaments
The featured guest on today's podcast is Steve Port, perhaps you've heard of him? If not him, chances are one of his products has certainly crossed your path. Here's a brief list of the things Steve has added to the Magic community: Misty Mountain Games Legion Games...
by Thomas Traplin | Mar 18, 2015 | Articles, General Business is changing the way Magic cards are traded online. Using an innovative process that eliminates the headache in the typical trading experience, PucaTrade has created a new way for players and businesses to find the cards they are looking for. When two...
by Thomas Traplin | Mar 7, 2015 | Articles, Community, General Business
August 23rd 2013, the weekend of Grand Prix Oakland. Hosted by Channel Fireball, the attendees of this particular Grand Prix were treated to an excellent seminar about how to build a proper deck in a Sealed tournament by two masters of the game, LSV and Ben Stark....
by Thomas Traplin | Dec 24, 2014 | Articles, Community, General Business
This is the third instalment in the Level Up series. If you haven’t read the first two parts you can find the first one here and the second one here. Each one leads into the next but if you prefer to read things backwards I can’t stop you. Some people like...