This interview that you’re about to hear with Scott Church is fascinating. Scott is the owner of Category One Games, an online only store he started way back in the mists of time, also known as 2004. A 20 year old online only store is interesting enough, but Category One Games specializes in dead TCG’s. Games that have been written off and dumped in the clearance sections of stores in the past are the bread and butter of Category One Games and Scott has a thriving business because of them.

Since game store owners often look at the products they sell as hot potatoes, Scott’s experience may lead you to reevaluate that common wisdom. Maybe there’s gold in those dead games sitting on your back shelves.

During this episode we dig into:

  • How Scott built his business on card games that most store owners wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot cattle prod,
  • how he identifies the games that are going to sell,
  • how he leverages the online communities to make sure he’s always buying and stocking products,
  • the struggles of working with a legacy system and how Scott markets his store,
  • and a ton more.


Scott Church on Facebook

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