Today we're talking with Jason Garvin. Jason is the manager of Total Escape Games, a premium retailer of tabletop games, carrying a vast array of role-playing games, card games, miniatures games, board games, and more in Broomfield Colorado. Jason is going to give us some insight into the origins of the store, dealing with the day to day operations of running a large retail focused game store, how to manage an almost completely hands off owner of the business. So if you want to understand how to build a game store that runs without you as the owner being there all the time, it's time to pay close attention.

I'm opening up a few more slots for clients of the Manaverse Marketing Agency this month so if you're either in the start up phase of opening up your game store and want to kick things off with a powerful digital marketing strategy that's been proven to attract customers and drive sales from day 1, or you're an established game store that wants to expand operations and use digital strategies like email marketing and paid advertising to grow rapidly, let's chat! Go to and we'll put together a custom Q4 marketing plan for your business and talk about how we can make it happen for you!

We talked about:

  • The Total Escape Games origin story.
  • The most important things game store owners need to keep in mind when hiring or looking for a manager.
  • How to create a system of communication for your employees that creates a culture of trust and creativity.
  • How to build a team that takes care of your business.
  • The most effective way to work with your manager so you can avoid micromanaging and actually take some time off!

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