Today we are talking with Alex Thor and Jonathan Adams. Alex is the Director of Operations at RPG Travel and Jonathan is their resident gaming master. Both of these fine gentlemen were featured at the recent 2021 LGS Success Summit and today we are going to explore what RPG Travel is, how it works, and how you, dear listener, as a game store owner can work with them to offer your customers an unforgettable gaming experience that they'll love, while making money and travelling to exciting locations at the same time.

Think playing D&D in Dracula's castle, having an adventure through Middle Earth in New Zealand, and gaming sessions in historic pubs, dungeons, catacombs, and more.  Seriously cool stuff.

Intro (Why RPG Travel is awesome and why you should care)

  • Before we jump into the details, tell us how RPGT got started. Where did the idea to fuse exotic locations and gaming come from?
  • How does it work? What does RPGTravel do?
  • Who travels with RPGT?
  • How many tours have you run?
  • How do you find your game masters?
  • What kinds of locations do the tours visit?
  • What’s a typical RPGT experience like?
  • What kind of planning goes into an RPGT experience?
  • Do you need to be a specific game level to play?
  • What does the owner of a FLGS get when working with RPG Travel?
  • What games does RPGT support? RPGs, Tabletop, Card games, etc.?
  • What are the requirements for a FLGS to get involved?
  • As the game store owner, what are their duties on tour?
  • How many travelers do you need to run a tour and how many days?
  • What happens if the trip doesn't fill? Are there any expenses? What if something prevents the trip from happening, like a global pandemic or something?

I'm sure someone is listening right now and thinking "This sounds really cool but I've got so much going on right now. I’m too busy." What would you say to them?

Do you have any tips for game store owners for making their custom branded experience a success?

How can the listeners get started? Where do they go to begin working with you?

Get Connected with Alex and Jonathan and start planning your RPG tour

The LGS Success Summit Black Friday Deal Is Here!

For the first time you can get access to the 2020 and 2021 LGS Success Summit recordings for over 50% off!

That's 40+ seminars from some of the most successful game store owners in North America covering a variety of topics critical to growing your tabletop game store including:

  • brand building,
  • running events,
  • email marketing,
  • game demos,
  • networking and collaboration,
  • TikTok,
  • SEO,
  • word of mouth marketing,
  • creating a WPN Premium level business,
  • ecommerce and shipping,
  • hiring the right people,
  • creating video content,
  • creating a risk free system for selling used games in your store,
  • financing your store,
  • as well as sessions from publishers covering some great new products you can stock in your game store over the coming months.

It's all included, but the deal ends Friday night at midnight, just under 12 hours from when this episode goes live, so if you've been waiting for the right time to pull the trigger on getting the summit recordings, this is the perfect opportunity!

All you have to do to pick up the deal is go to

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