by Thomas Traplin | Nov 18, 2014 | Articles, Community, General Business
Magic: the Gathering is an excellent game. 21 years and still growing is a pretty good track record. It is fairly easy for a local game store to open up, declare that they have game tables and Magic cards for sale and have a steady source of income for their business.... by Thomas Traplin | Sep 17, 2014 | Articles, Community
Female gamers have always been a rare breed. But that’s changing and the game of Magic is no exception. The number of women who play Magic is on the rise and they are beginning to change the way the community operates. Between Melissa DeTora and Jackie Lee... by Thomas Traplin | Sep 2, 2014 | Articles
I understand how Slim Shady felt way back in the day when all he wanted was for the real Slim Shady to please stand up. Being impersonated is strange. Somewhat flattering, but mostly just annoying. So this is the story. My wife and I are currently looking for a new... by Thomas Traplin | Aug 1, 2014 | Articles, General Business, Tournaments
The game has changed. In the past two years the growth of Magic and the tournament scene has been both a boon and a curse. I’m sure everyone has heard a horror story or two about a PTQ that was run catastrophically. Too many players, not enough seats.... by Thomas Traplin | Jun 7, 2014 | Articles, General Business
Partners are the key Business has always been attractive to me, even when I was young. Right out of high school I knew I wanted to run my own Local Gaming Store. I decided to abandon my studies in Computer Science and instead open a gaming establishment with two of my...