Over the last seven years I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing nearly 100 game store owners from a good portion of the world, talking about what makes their game store tick and exploring what it takes to be successful in the game industry.

During that time, I’ve noticed a trend.

If you’re a game store owner, you’re ridiculously busy most of the time.

You’ve got inventory to manage, events to organize, people to hire, and a million products to stay on top of.

It’s a lot to handle… and marketing your game store often becomes an afterthought.

And it doesn’t matter what stage of business you’re in.

If you’re just getting started you have to do everything yourself. You wear all the hats, all the time.

If you’ve been running your shop for a few years you’ve got even more moving parts and people to manage.

Marketing is almost always seen as a nice-to-have rather than a necessity.

But there is something else that I’ve noticed…

The most successful game stores in the world have mastered digital marketing.
They have a comprehensive digital strategy that leverages the power of e-commerce, social media, paid advertising, email, search engine optimization, and content creation, all working together to create a powerful marketing machine for their business.

The Six Pillars of Digital Marketing

The trouble is each of those marketing strategies takes time and effort to understand, let alone put into practice.

I’ve been putting out content around digital marketing and game stores for a long time now, but, like I said, you’re probably super busy and as much as you know you need to market your game store if you want to grow, there just isn’t enough time in the day to figure it all out.

Sometimes you just need someone to come in and do it for you.

And that’s the perfect lead in to my biggest announcement since the launch of the LGS Success Summit.

I am officially announcing the launch of the Manaverse Marketing Agency, the only digital marketing agency specifically for local game stores that want to grow their business online.

I’m offering a fully done-for-you service for a very a limited number of game store owners (at least initially) that want to grow their business in 2022 and are ready to take action to make that happen.

Here’s the way it works:

  1. The first step is a full assessment of what elements you have in place already. I’ll do a deep dive into each of the Six Pillars for your game store and identify what’s currently working and what can be improved.
  2. The second step is the plan. I will create a customized strategy for each of the Six Pillars with next steps to develop each area.
  3. We work together to identify the unique aspects of your brand that set you apart from your competitors, as well as figure out who your ideal customer is and how you’re serving/attracting them now.
  4. We establish growth targets and create a scorecard to track progress so everybody knows what winning looks like.
  5. We lay out a 90 day implementation to put the plan into action, with monthly calls to go over results and keep everybody aligned.

At the end of the 90 days you will have:

  • A optimized website focused on conversions and mobile traffic, complete with an SEO strategy for driving organic traffic and visitors.
  • A content strategy that becomes the base for growing your organic traffic and developing trust and authority.
  • An email marketing strategy that delivers consistent results and traffic, with sequences and campaign templates that drive sales and nurture subscribers to become repeat customers.
  • A framework for social media that generates engagement and increases reach.
  • A PPC strategy that generates sales and email subscribers profitably.

If you’re a game store owner and you want to grow your business in 2022, digital marketing is the most effective way of achieving that and I would love to be the one to help you.

I’m only taking on a handful more clients at this point.

The results we’ve been getting so far are excellent but I want to make sure I have the ability to dedicate enough time and attention to each client to keep that up.

So after all that, here’s my pitch to you:

If you want to find out more about implementing a proven digital marketing strategy for your game store, then schedule a call with me here. I’ll do a full assessment on your business, create a plan for each of the Six Pillars, and we can talk about working together to put it into action.

I’m definitely excited to help more game store owners grow their businesses over the next year!

I sure hope yours is one of them!