Making your goals public drastically increases the odds of you actually accomplishing them. It also helps to have something great in your life to work towards. It doesn’t have to be grandiose and world changing, it just has to encompass more than just the day to day minutiae that make up our lives.

Without a concrete and measurable goal to work towards, we tend to reduce to just seeking pleasure or avoiding pain.

You can’t build a cathedral without the goal of building one and a plan on how to achieve it. That kind of thing doesn’t just happen one day.

So, with that in mind and in the spirit of the new year I wanted to share my goals for 2019 with you. In no particular order, here’s a list of things I want to achieve this year.

Create more content for Manaverse and post more often

The growth of this site has been completely based on the the work I’ve put into the Manaverse Podcast, which includes the wonderful guests I’ve had on the show, and the posts I’ve written over the years. I’ve noticed a direct correlation between the amount of content I put out and the response that I get from my readers and listeners.

More content means more meaningful conversations, and hopefully more positive impact on the local game store community of business owners.

I know from experience how hard it can be to be an entrepreneur, to try to grow a games business and not know what you should be doing next.

I want to make content that solves problems for game store owners like you. I want make it easier to grow your business, to sell more products, to generate more profit, and to generally make life a little bit better.

“Create more content” is too vague to be really helpful as a goal so to refine it a little bit further, my goal is to post something at least once a week, every Thursday. That could be a new podcast, or it could be a written article. I’m hoping that you’ll hold me to that as well. If you don’t see anything on Thursday, ping me on Facebook or send me an email and hold my toes to the fire.

Create products that you want to buy

I’ve learned a lot over the past three years. Especially when it comes to marketing. So much so that marketing in one form or another is now my full time gig.

One thing I’ve learned is that if you never make an offer, you will never make a sale.

Up until this point, the podcast and the blog have largely been labours of love. Content I created and put out into the world free of charge. And while I believe the content is valuable (people like the podcast from what I hear) this ship isn’t going to stay afloat on goodwill alone.

So I’ve put together a brief outline on a collection of products that I think would help a game store owner grow their business.

My first idea is to create a short book on social media and digital marketing. I’m thinking something that can be consumed in an afternoon or so with a specific focus on actionable strategies that lead to direct results. Quickly implements strategies and tools you can use to sell more products and reach new customers.

The other ideas I have are to reopen Manaverse Premium and to create a course covering Advanced Marketing Strategies.

As to what those will look like, I’m not sure yet but I’ll write about the development of them here and on Facebook so stay tuned.

What are your goals?

2018 has been an interesting year for the hobby and game trade. Store owners have encountered a number of issues that have made business more difficult than in the past, but at the same time the industry as a whole has experienced tremendous growth. Many store owners are reporting double digit growth over last year despite the issues.

So the question is “what are your goals for 2019?” Are you going to set a goal and make things happen this year, or just keep doing the same old stuff? Let me know what you want to achieve in your business this year in the comments. I would love to know what you’re working on!

And let me know what you would like to see in a product while you’re at it. What problem would you like to solve most in your business?

Happy New Years everyone! Talk to you again in 2019.