Creating Solid FLGS Brand Recognition

Creating Solid FLGS Brand Recognition

All businesses have a brand. It's either built by design or by default. If yours is the latter you are probably going to run into issues with the Brand Recognition portion of the WPN process. Here are some tips and examples of what makes solid FLGS brand recognition...
Hasbro Revenue Declines 29% in Q2

Hasbro Revenue Declines 29% in Q2

Hasbro released its financial statements report for the second quarter of 2020 with things looking pretty rough overall. Hasbro revenue declined by 29% year over year with all but Hasbro Gaming reporting losses in its brand portfolio. Magic: the Gathering declined in...
Do Your Prices Really Matter?

Do Your Prices Really Matter?

You may have heard one particular nugget of wisdom before, it’s one I and my guests have articulated in various ways on the podcast multiple times. It goes a little something like this: Nobody buys on price. We know this is true based on our on personal...