by Thomas Traplin | Sep 2, 2014 | Articles
I understand how Slim Shady felt way back in the day when all he wanted was for the real Slim Shady to please stand up. Being impersonated is strange. Somewhat flattering, but mostly just annoying. So this is the story. My wife and I are currently looking for a new...
by Thomas Traplin | Aug 1, 2014 | Articles, General Business, Tournaments
The game has changed. In the past two years the growth of Magic and the tournament scene has been both a boon and a curse. I’m sure everyone has heard a horror story or two about a PTQ that was run catastrophically. Too many players, not enough seats....
by Thomas Traplin | Jun 7, 2014 | Articles, General Business
Partners are the key Business has always been attractive to me, even when I was young. Right out of high school I knew I wanted to run my own Local Gaming Store. I decided to abandon my studies in Computer Science and instead open a gaming establishment with two of my...
by Thomas Traplin | May 25, 2014 | Articles
It’s a conspiracy. They want your money and they know how to get it. They are mad with power you see, they have even begun to manipulate how will we draft our cards together. Them. They. You know. Big TCG. Wizard’s of the Coast is a front for the...
by Thomas Traplin | Apr 16, 2014 | Articles, General Business
Below is a list of features that every single game store should aspire to have. For those of you who are considering opening your own store use this list as a road map. There is far more to running a proper business than the bullet points down below but if these...
by Thomas Traplin | Apr 9, 2014 | Articles, General Business
Maybe you have been thinking about it for a while. It usually goes like this. “I’ve been playing Magic for a long time now. How cool would it be to open my own local gaming store (LGS)? I know how to trade, how hard can it be to sell?” First off, it...